《梦中的婚礼》曲谱 来源:《中国曲谱网》;上传:秋叶起舞;上传日期:2011-03-27;......
2011-03-27 08:00:00 582835
是Calvin Harris和Ellie Goulding共同演唱的一首歌曲。Calvin Harris是一位来自英国苏格兰的创作歌手、音乐制作人和DJ。在2007年他以单曲《Acceptable in the 80s》出道,开始引起主流媒体的注意。至今,他已发行了三张录音室专辑,并为许多国际巨星制作了多首热门单曲。现在他已是全球炙手可热的流行舞曲制作人,在2014年全球百大DJ排名中名列第12位。且Outside此曲收录在其2014年专辑Motion中。
Ellie Goulding,英国唱作女歌手。绵羊音让很多人亲睐。2010年出道并在同年的“2010BBC年度之声”中成为最高票选得主,得到2011年全英音乐奖评委的一致青睐,从此后便累积大量人气,名气与之俱增。
同时,网站还为大家提供了Calvin Harris和Ellie Goulding合作的另一首曲子《I Need Your Love》的曲谱下载
Look at what youve done
Stand still, falling away from me
When it takes so long
For I desire, what do you want to be?
Im holding on
Yourself was never enough for me
Gotta be so strong
Theres a power in what you do
Now every other day Ive been watching you
Oh oh, oh oh Ill show you what it feels like
Now Im on the outside, oh oh
We did everything right
Now Im on the outside, oh oh
Ill show you what it feels like
Now Im on the outside, oh oh
We did everything right
Now Im on the outside
So you give me no reason
For me to stay close to you
Tell me what lovers do
How are we still breathing
Its never for us to choose
Ill be the strength in you
Now Im holding on
Yourself was never enough for me
Gotta be so strong
Theres a power in what you do
Now every other day Ive been watching you, oh oh oh oh
Ill show you what it feels like
Now Im on the outside, oh oh
We did everything right
Now Im on the outside, oh oh
Ill show you what it feels like
Now Im on the outside, oh oh
We did everything right
Now Im on the outside
Ill show you what it feels like
Now Im on the outside
Ill show you what it feels like
Ill show you what it feels like
Now Im on the outside
We did everything right
Now Im on the outside