《梦中的婚礼》曲谱 来源:《中国曲谱网》;上传:秋叶起舞;上传日期:2011-03-27;......
2011-03-27 08:00:00 582835
Nicotine是由美国乐队Panic at the Disco演唱的歌曲。Panic! At The Disco这名字看来有点古怪。根据他们的解释,"Panic"一字是引自加洲奥兰治县(The O.C.!!)乐队Name Taken中的一句歌词,以及The Smiths的同名歌曲而作成的。虽然他们没有对At The Disco作任何注解,但是凭着这个字根,你也可以想象他们的音乐类型了。《A Fever...》售卖首周便能卖出超过一万只,以一队从未作过现场演出的乐队(真的!)已算很不错。他们更於Billboard 200大碟榜中排112、Billboard独立排行榜中排第六。这些都不太重要,他们更於年青乐队中地位甚重的purevolume中的"十队最佳已签约乐队"中长期进占其中。
Cross my heart and hope to die
Burn my lungs and curse my eyes
Ive lost control and I dont want it back
Im going numb, Ive been hijacked
Its a fucking drag
I taste you on my lips and I cant get rid of you
So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do
Yeah, youre worse than nicotine, nicotine [2x]
Its better to burn than to fade away
Its better to leave than to be replaced
Im losing to you, baby, Im no match
Im going numb, Ive been hijacked
Its a fucking drag
I taste you on my lips and I cant get rid of you
So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do
Yeah, youre worse than nicotine, nicotine [2x]
Just one more hit and then were through
Cause you could never love me back
Cut every tie I have to you
Cause your loves a fucking drag
But I need it so bad
Your loves a fucking drag
But I need it so bad
Yeah, youre worse than nicotine, nicotine [2x]
标签:Nicotine Panic at the Disco