《梦中的婚礼》曲谱 来源:《中国曲谱网》;上传:秋叶起舞;上传日期:2011-03-27;......
2011-03-27 08:00:00 582836
《汉密尔顿:一部美国音乐剧》(英语:Hamilton: An American Musical),是一部关于美国开国元勋亚历山大•汉密尔顿的音乐剧,由林-曼努尔•米兰达编剧、作曲及填词。这出剧受到2004年朗•车诺所写的传记《亚历山大•汉密尔顿》所启发,评价与票房都取得了巨大成功。剧作在百老汇收获热烈好评以及空前的票房纪录,获得格莱美奖最佳音乐剧专辑及普利策戏剧奖。外百老汇的演出赢得2015年戏剧桌奖(或译:纽约戏剧奖)十四项提名,得到杰出音乐剧等七项奖项。百老汇的演出获得破纪录的十六项东尼奖提名,得到最佳音乐剧等十一项大奖。
I Know Him歌词:
They say
George Washingtons yielding his power and
Stepping away
Zat true
I wasnt aware that was something a person
Could do
Im perplexed
Are they gonna keep on replacing whoevers
In charge
If so whos next
Theres nobody else in their country who
Looms quite as large
John Adams
I know him
That cant be
Thats that little guy who spoke to me
All those years ago
What was it eighty-five
That poor man theyre gonna eat him alive
Oceans rise
Empires fall
Next to Washington they all look small
All alone
Watch them run
They will tear each other into pieces
Jesus Christ this will be fun
Da da da dat da dat da da da da ya da
Da da da dat dat da ya daaaaa
President John Adams
Good Luck
标签:Lin-Manuel Miranda I Know Him