2023-08-05 17:26:28 411853
Still Falling For You是Ellie Goulding为电影《BJ的孩子》献唱的主题曲。整首歌节奏欢快,旋律紧凑,充满了自信女性的光环。多听刷自信,哈哈。
歌词下方是Still Falling For You钢琴谱,希望大家喜欢。
Still Falling For You歌词:
Fire and iceThis love is like fire and ice
This love is like rain and blue skies
This love is like sun on the rise
This love got me rolling the dice
Dont let me lose
Still falling for you
Still falling for you
Beautiful mind
Your heart got a story with mine
Your heart got me hurting at times
Your heart gave me new kind of highs
Your heart got me feeling so fine
So what to do
Still falling for you
Still falling for you
It took us a while
With every breath a new day
With love on the line
Weve had our share of mistakes
But all your flaws and scars are mine
Still falling for you
Still falling for you
And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
Im in
And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
No one can lift me catch me the way that you do
Im still falling for you
Brighter than gold
This love shining brighter than gold
This love is like letters in bold
This love is like out of control
This love is never growing old
You make it new
Still falling for you
Still falling for you
It took us a while
Because we were young and unsure
With love on the line
What if we both would need more
But all your flaws and scars are mine
Still falling for you
Still falling for you
Still falling for you
And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
Im in
And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
No one can lift me catch me the way that you do
Im still falling for you
Falling crash into my arms
Love you like this
Like a first kiss
Never let go
Falling crash into my arms
Never breaking what we got
Still falling for you
Still falling for
And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
Im in
And just like that
All I breathe
All I feel
You are all for me
All for me
And just like that
All I feel is you
All I feel is you
You are all for me
Im still falling
And just like that
All I feel is you
All I feel is you
You are all for me
No one can lift me catch me the way that you do
Im still falling for you
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