2023-08-05 17:26:28 411852
Flux是由英国流行女歌手Ellie Goulding录唱的一首歌曲,单曲于2019年3月1日通过环球唱片公司发行。Ellie Goulding以惊艳空灵的声音开唱,与无限激流中感受带来微妙情谊。听完她的歌会发现,一向将电音进行到底的“绵羊音”原来也可唱出磅礴大气。强烈的节奏感,狂野的魅力,神秘的热情,奔放的烈爱,时高时低,时重时轻的唱腔给人带来新鲜感
同时,网站还为大家提供了《How Long Will I Love You》的曲谱下载
Remember me in a simple way
Not what I did or said
When I think of you now
I just think of the day we met
Dont forget me like I didnt care
Yeah I stole from myself
Just to make you complete
Flux flux
I dont think you have the patience
I dont think you know the difference
Flux flux
And I dont want cute imitations
I know you wanted to save me
And Im still in love
With the idea of loving you
Its a state of flux
But its not enough
And Im still in love
With the idea of loving you
Its a state of flux
I just keep holding on
Would you be taking me higher
Would we be living as liars
I wanna know I wanna know
When the memories pack up and leave
It will set me free
All those days on the beach
Will be washing away from me
I will keep it secretly just to keep the peace
Keep steering this ship
Through the dark and the stormy seas
Flux flux
I should be counting my blessings
Staying safe in confusion
Flux flux
And maybe Im learning my lesson
I know you wanted to save me
Im still in love
With the idea of loving you
Its a state of flux
But its not enough
And Im still in love
With the idea of loving you
Its a state of flux
I just keep holding on
Would you be taking me higher
Would we be living as liars
I wanna know I wanna know
Would we be living in Camden
Getting a ticket to your bed
I wanna know I wanna know
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh Im still in love
With the idea of loving you oh with the idea
Its a state of flux its a state of
But its not enough its not enough
Im still in love
With the idea of loving you
Its a state of flux
I just keep holding on
Oh I just keep holding on
Im still in love
With the idea of loving you
Its a state of flux
But its not enough
Oh Im still in love
Im still in love
With the idea of loving you
Its a state of flux
I just keep holding on
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