2023-08-05 17:26:28 411852
Lying Down是加拿大歌手Celine Dion演唱的歌曲,发行于2019年9月18日。此曲收录在其第十二张录音室专辑Courage中。Celine的声音是属于温柔的坚定,柔情中的豪迈。出神入化的混声技巧、毫无痕迹的换声区使她的歌曲更加动听。
同时,网站还为大家提供了《How Does A Moment Last Forever》的曲谱下载
Lying Down歌词:
Oh I didnt mean to fall in deep
But Ive no regrets
You tried to push me down you tried to keep me possessed
I gave you my heart you took the key
But now I paid my debt
Its time I left
And I dont need someone who makes me feel so bad
And Ive just enough left to help me pack my bags
Yes I have found something I thought I lost
I found me I found faith I found trust
You cant take this from me
Cant you see I wont take this lying down
And I can hear you when you speak your poison
Bitter words cant hurt me now I wont take it lying down
All it takes is one bold move to change everything
All it takes is loving you to forget forgive
But Im having some kind of breakthrough
Im ready to live
And I dont need someone who makes me feel so bad
And Ive just enough left to help me pack my bags
Yes I have found something I thought I lost
I found me I found faith I found trust
You cant take this from me
Cant you see I wont take this lying down
And I can hear you when you speak your poison
Bitter words cant hurt me now I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
You cant take this from me
Cant you see I wont take this lying down
And I can hear you when you speak your poison
Bitter words cant hurt me now I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
I wont take it lying down
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