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If I Can Dream钢琴简谱-Elvis Presley演唱

简谱 2022-11-21 20:56:35 64 音乐室

If I Can Dream-Elvis Presley双手简谱预览1

If I Can Dream-Elvis Presley双手简谱预览2

If I Can Dream-Elvis Presley双手简谱预览3

If I Can Dream-Elvis Presley双手简谱预览4

If I Can Dream-Elvis Presley双手简谱预览5

《If I Can Dream》是由Walter Earl Brown创作,美国摇滚乐男歌手Elvis Presley演唱的歌曲。因其与马丁•路德•金(Martin Luther King Jr.)1963年的《我有一个梦想》(I Have a Dream)演讲相似而闻名。

Elvis Presley的音乐超越了种族以及文化疆界,把布鲁斯、乡村、蓝调音乐、蓝草音乐和福音音乐融会贯通,形成了具有鲜明个性的独特曲风 [35] ,充满了激情澎湃的性能量和叛逆感,催生了摇滚乐时代的到来。Elvis能把任何风格的音乐用摇滚的形式表现出来,无论是马里奥•兰扎式的浪漫情歌、直白大胆的布鲁斯,还是杰基•威尔逊风格的R&B。而他的音乐中出现了最早的摇滚乐雏形,虽然他那个时代还没有人强调摇滚乐的意义,但他的音乐形式和舞台表现方式,已经有了摇滚的感觉。


If I Can Dream歌词:


There must be lights burning brighter somewhere

Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue

If I can dream of a better land

Where all my brothers walk hand in hand

Tell me why oh why oh why cant my dream come true oh why

There must be peace and understanding sometime

Strong winds of promise that will blow away

The doubt and fear

If I can dream of a warmer sun

Where hope keeps shining on everyone

Tell me why oh why oh why wont that sun appear

Were lost in a cloud

With too much rain

Were trapped in a world

Thats troubled with pain

But as long as a man

Has the strength to dream

He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart theres a trembling question

Still I am sure that the answers

Answers gonna come somehow

Out there in the dark

Theres a beckoning candle yeah

And while I can think while I can talk

While I can stand while I can walk

While I can dream

Oh please let my dream

Come true

Right now

Let it come true right now

Oh yeah

标签:If I Can Dream Elvis Presley

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