2023-08-05 17:26:28 411771
Desert Moon是美国2019年盖•里奇导演的奇幻冒险电影《阿拉丁》的插曲。该片采用了一种非常讨巧的方式,实现了快慢对比明显的良好节奏,那就是引入音乐剧的元素。不难发现,《阿拉丁》的所有歌舞和音乐片段都是抒情性质的,一般不承担叙事功能。这样做的好处就是让有限的故事情节集中在了更少的电影时间里,在叙事时营造出一种节奏很快、料很足的效果,而在抒情时又显得从容不迫、耐听耐看。迪士尼还是在原有的动画框架下,为电影加入了一定的时代性元素的。其中最值得注意的就是公主的独立和崛起。
Desert Moon歌词:
When the shadows unfold
When the sun hides its gold
When the wind and the cold come calling
When the path isnt clear
And the stars disappear
As an endless midnights falling
At the edge of the sky
Theres a moon hanging high
When youre lost
Itll try to remind you
On a dark desert night
You can look to the light
Cause its shining there
To find you
Desert moon light the way
Till the dark turns to day
Like a lamp in the lonely night
Bright and blue
Desert moon
Wild and free
Will it burn just for me
Shine down
Shine down
Till I find my way to you
At the edge of the sky
Theres a moon hanging high
When youre lost you can try the view
Cause it waits for you there
And if you see it too
I can find my way
I can find my way
I can find my way
To you
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