2023-08-05 17:26:28 411854
瑞典天团ABBA回归新单《Dont Shut Me Down》于2021年9月2日上线,他们将弦乐、钢琴滑奏技法与跃动的迪斯科旋律自如衔接,创造了辉煌而梦幻的效果,令人心醉神迷。
小编也万万没想到,在 2021 年,我们能见证一个解散长达 39 年的乐队回归。不过,他们的回归之路不会仅止《Dont Shut Me Down》和《I Still Have Faith in You》这两支单曲,他们还将在 11 月 5 日发行暌违 40 年之久的全新专辑《Voyage》,并预计在 2022 年以全息投影技术在英国伦敦举办一场演唱会,重现 ABBA 最经典的曲目。
Dont Shut Me Down歌词:
A while ago I heard the sound of childrens laughter
Now its quiet so I guess they left the park
This wooden bench is getting harder by the hour
The sun is going down its getting dark
I realise Im cold the rain begins to pour
As I watch the windows on the second floor
The lights are on its time to go
Its time at last to let him know
I believe it would be fair to say
You look bewildered
And you wonder why Im here today
And so you should I would
When I left I felt Id had enough
But in the shape and form I appear now
I have learned to cope
And love and hope is why I am here now
And now you see another me Ive been reloaded yeah
Im fired up dont shut me down
Im like a dream within a dream thats been decoded
Im fired up Im hot dont shut me down
Im not the one you knew
Im now and then combined
And Im asking you to have an open mind
And I wont be the same
Im not the same this time around
Im fired up dont shut me down
Will you leave me standing in the hall
Or let me enter
The apartment hasnt changed at all
I got to say Im glad
Once these rooms were witness to our love
My tantrums and increasing frustration
But I go from mad
To not so bad in my transformation
So now
And now you see another me Ive been reloaded yeah
Im fired up dont shut me down
Dont shut me down
Im like a dream within a dream thats been decoded
Im fired up Im hot dont shut me down
I am not the one you knew
Im not the one you knew
Im now and then combined
And Im asking you to have an open mind
And I wont be the same
Im not the same this time around
Im fired up dont shut me down
You asked me not to leave
Well here I am again
And I love you still and so I wont pretend
I have learned to cope
And love and hope is why I am here now
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