2023-08-05 17:26:28 411852
《Come Back To Me》收录在宇多田光新专辑《This Is The One》之中。
时隔5年,宇多田光第2张进军欧美的新专辑《This Is The One》终于发布了,当即稳坐日本销量榜冠军位置。专辑的风格整体偏向欧美。其中第2首歌曲《Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence -FYI》更是改编自日本大师级音乐制作人坂本龙一创作的同名电影经典主题音乐,原曲已经非常的悦耳动听,改编后配上宇多田光富有情感的声线,运用钢琴悠扬清脆的旋律做背景,混搭R&B强烈的节奏,形成非常独特的曲风,令人百听不厌。
Come Back To Me歌词及译文:
The rain falls on my windows
and a coldness runs through my soul
and the rain falls
and the rain falls
I dont want to be alone
I wish that I could photoshop on our bad memories
Cuz the flash backs
oh the flashbacks wont leave me alone
(Oh 那往事如潮 请不要留我一个人)
If you come back to me Ill be all that you need
(如果你回到我身边 我愿意付出一切 )
baby come back to me
(宝贝请回到我身边 )
let me make up for what happened and
(让我们风雨同舟 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切)
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back for youre one in a million
(回来 为了那万里挑一的一个)
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边
Come back youre one in a million (one in a million)
(回来 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )
On the bayside of Manhatten she goes shopping for new clothes
(而在另一边曼哈顿 她准备为自己添些新衣服)
And she buys this and she buys that
(她买这件 她买那件)
just leave her alone
(仅仅是孤单一人 )
I wish that he would listen to her side of the story
(我希望他可以倾听她的心声 )
It isnt that bad it isnt that bad
(这并不是最坏的 这不是最坏的 )
and shes wiser for it now
I admit I cheated(admit I cheated)
Dont know why I did it(why I did it)
But I do regret it(regret it)
And nothing I can do or say can change it
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边 )
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back for youre one in a million
(回来 为了那万里挑一的一个 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边
Come back youre one in a million (one in a million)
(回来 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )
Everything I ever did
(对于我做过的一切 )
heaven knows Im sorry but
(上天知道我的歉意 但是 )
I was too fantastie
(我想不到 )
you were always there for me
(你总是为了我等在那里 )
and my curiosity got the better of me
(我的求知欲会让一切转变 )
baby take it easy on me
(宝贝放轻松 )
Anyhting from A to Z
(任何事情从A到Z )
tell me what you want to be
(告诉我 你到底想要什么 )
I open my heart to be
you were my priority
(你是我永远的首要 )
cant you see you punished me
more than enough fority
(你大过任何权利 )
Baby take it easy on me
Baby take it easy on me
baby come back to me baby come back to me
(宝贝回到我身边 宝贝请回到我身边 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back youre one in a million (one in a million)
(回来 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back youre one in a million (one in a million)
(回来 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back youre one in a million (one in a million)
(回来 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back Ill be everything you need
(回来 我愿意为你付出一切 )
Come back baby come back to me
(回来 宝贝请回到我身边)
Come back youre one in a million (one in a million)
(回来 你就是那万里挑一的一个 )
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