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Witness钢琴谱-Katy Perry

钢琴谱 2022-03-02 14:48:40 21 音乐室

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览1

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览2

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览3

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览4

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览5

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览6

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览7

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览8

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览9

Witness-Katy Perry五线谱预览10

Witness是美国流行女歌手Katy Perry的歌曲,收录在其同名专辑Witness中。

天真混搭复古、其实Katy在四位小“天后”中,长相最甜美周正,最可能成为泡泡糖一样的少女偶像,但她却以辛辣的歌词和破碎的嗓音,证明自己不只是一个空有其表的花瓶。她喜欢一切香蕉、西瓜、小花朵等可爱元素并把它们改装成糖果抹胸、草莓文胸穿上身,形成一种娃娃和成熟女郎混搭的独特风格。有时豹纹裤、花西装或者亮片裙,有时简直宛如快餐店女服务员的花边裙,又恶搞了传统意义上的童话式的纯情。她在演出时几乎总以紧身胸衣搭配迷你裙、连体胸衣的造型登台,却又少不了卡通图案或者艳丽的颜色,戏剧化效果十足,不知道的人大概会以为是维多利亚内衣秀。她的日常装扮也很舞台化,最常见造型就是头带一朵花或是一簇花,成熟中又展现着小清新的少女心,不管穿的是香奈儿洋装还是乳胶短裙,她就是人见人爱的Katy Perry。


[Verse 1]

If I lost it all today, would you stay?

Could my love be enough to stimulate?

If shit hit the fan, grenades got thrown

Would you still show, oh?

Could you go down with me to the mat?

Could we get back up and eventually laugh?

Roll eyes at highs, cheers in the lows, and stay in the flow, o-o-o


Cause I, I only got this life

And I aint got the time, no

Not to get it right, oh


Were all just looking for connection

Yeah, we all want to be seen

Im looking for someone who speaks my language

Someone to ride this ride with me

Can I get a witness, witness?

Will you be my witness, witness?

Im just looking for a witness in all of this

Looking for a witness to get me through this

[Verse 2]

When you tell me everything, and theres no holes

You can scroll through anything, youve got the codes

Nothing to hide

Its all in their eyes

And we just know, o-o-o


Cause I, I only got this life

And I aint got the time, no

Not to get it right, oh


Were all just looking for connection

Yeah, we all want to be seen

Im looking for someone who speaks my language

Someone to ride this ride with me

Can I get a witness, witness?

Will you be my witness, witness?

Im just looking for a witness in all of this

Looking for a witness to get me through this


Will you be my witness?

Could you be the one that speaks for me?

Will you be my witness?


Were all just looking for connection

Yeah, we all want to be seen

Im looking for someone who speaks my language

Someone to ride this ride with me

Can I get a witness, witness?

Will you be my witness, witness?

Im just looking for a witness in all of this

Looking for a witness to get me through this

标签:Katy Perry Witness

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