《梦中的婚礼》曲谱 来源:《中国曲谱网》;上传:秋叶起舞;上传日期:2011-03-27;......
2011-03-27 08:00:00 582834
《Song for No One》是一首由Shawn Mendes演唱的歌曲,2020年12月4日发行。此曲由Nate Mercereau、Shawn Mendes、Scott Harris、Adam King Feeney作词作曲,收录于《Wonder》专辑中。
Mendes在采访中讲述了《Song For No One》创作于三年前,没有和心爱的人在一起,独自饮酒空虚寂寞。歌词与Camila Cabello《Feel It Twice》呼应,谱写出了曲折婉转的爱情故事。
Song for No One歌词:
I wake up
A little drunk
Check my phone
Im all alone
Ten missed calls
A couple texts
None of them are who Im looking for
Who Im looking for, yeah
This is a song for no one
This is a song for no one
Get on a plane
Fly to the most beautiful place youve ever been
Close my eyes
Things are better in my dreams
Cause Im with someone
Someone I adore
This is a song for no one
I wrote this song for no one
Yesterday, I got pretty drunk
Said some things that I shouldnt of
Told you that I really love you
You did not reciprocate those feelings
But thats okay, Ill be fine anyway
Oh, yeah
I wrote this song for no one
I wrote this song
Woo, woo, woo, woo
No, I wrote this song for no one
标签:Shawn Mendes Song for No One